St. Paul-How to Use Zip Codes to Search a Specific Neighborhood
If you would like to narrow your search of St. Paul homes to a specific neighborhood try using our search by zip code feature. You can access this option through our Quick, Basic, or Advanced Searches by choosing “Select by Zipcode”. Some neighborhoods in St. Paul have multiple zip codes, so make sure hold down the Control key when selecting more than one zip code for your neighborhood search. On this page you will find a list of the St. Paul neighborhoods and the corresponding zip codes.
- Battle Creek = 55119
- Greater Eastside = 55106, 55119
- West Side = 55107
- Dayton’s Bluff = 55106
- Payne-Phalen =55130
- North End = 55117
- Thomas-Dale = 55103
- Summit-University = 55104
- West Seventh = 55102
- Como Park = 55108, 55117
- Midway = 55104
- St. Anthony Park = 55108, 55114
- Union Park = 55104
- Macalester-Groveland = 55105
- Highland Park = 55116
- Summit Hill and Crocus Hill = 55105, 55102
- Downtown = 55101